Dave's Gone By Interview (12/10/06) – Peter Fitzgerald & MARK AND JEANNE SIMON

 Peter Fitzgerald interviews Hollywood pitching experts Mark & Jeanne Simon

Topics include: animation, acting.

Segment originally aired Dec. 10, 2006, as part of the "Dave's Gone By" radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Dave's Gone By Interview (11/24/12) – Rabbi Sol Solomon & RICK LENZ


Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with actor and author Rick Lenz.

Topics include: Rick Lenz’s Hollywood career, in-laws, marriages, substance issues and creative rebound.

Segment originally aired Nov. 24, 2012 on the "Dave's Gone By" radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Dave's Gone By Interview (2/23/13) - Stephen Schochet

Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with author and movie expert Stephen Schochet ("Hollywood Stories") about the upcoming Academy Awards and Oscar history.

Segment originally aired Feb. 13, 2013 on the Dave's Gone By radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Note: Interview segments extracted from "Dave's Gone By" may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations.  For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

Dave's Gone By #401 (11/24/12): Contact Lenz

November 24, 2012 (show #401) CONTACT LENZ

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with actor Rick Lenz ("Cactus Flower," "Green Acres"), News Gone By, Inside Broadway, Saturday Segues (turkey, Down Came the Sun), Rabbi Sol Solomon's Rabbinical Reflection (Gaza Gaza Hey!), Bob Dylan - Sooner & Later (Israel).

Host: Dave Lefkowitz

Guest: actor Rick Lenz, Dave's wife Joyce