December 16, 2007: Dave's Gone By #251 - Calling All Issas

Featuring: Inside Broadway and fun banter with Dave's wife, Joyce Weil. Plus several songs by Issa/Jane Siberry. 

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Joyce Weil

00:00:01  Pre-show excerpt
00:14:00  DAVE GOES IN
00:21:00  INSIDE BROADWAY - News, August & Pumpgirl
00:40:00  Dave Waits for Issa
00:45:00  NEW ISSA w/ J. Weil 
01:05:00  DAVE GOES OUT

Dec. 16, 2007 Playlist: "Temple," "Everything Reminds Me of My Dog" & "Love is Everything" (Issa (fka Jane Siberry)) Note: Siberry's "Marco Polo" & "The Life is the Red Wagon" were also played on the program but wouldn't fit on the CD.


     pictured: cast of August: Osage County.

Featuring: the satirical News Gone By and fun banter with Dave's wife, Joyce. Plus several songs by Issa/Jane Siberry.
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Keywords (Old): 
Dave's Gone By, Dave Lefkowitz, Joyce Weil, Issa, Jane Siberry, Pumpgirl, Broadway, theater, August: Osage County, comedy, radio
Features Inside Broadway and fun banter with Dave's wife, Joyce. Plus several songs by Issa.